Ehsaas Rashan Success Stories: Empowering the Vulnerable


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Ehsaas Rashan Success Stories

Ehsaas Rashan Program has been a lifeline for millions of vulnerable families in Pakistan during the COVID-19 pandemic. The program, initiated by the government, aims to provide financial assistance and food supplies to those who have been affected by the pandemic. The success stories of Ehsaas Rashan are a testament to its effectiveness in reaching out to those in need.

The Ehsaas Rashan Programme has provided essential food items such as flour, sugar, oil, and lentils to millions of households across Pakistan. The program’s digital system ensures transparency and efficiency in the distribution process, enabling beneficiaries to receive their aid through SMS notifications and biometric verification. This has helped prevent fraud and ensured that aid is distributed fairly.

One beneficiary of the Ehsaas Rashan Program is Saima Bibi from Lahore. She lost her job due to the pandemic and was struggling to make ends meet. She applied for the program and received essential food items that helped her feed her family during these difficult times. Saima expressed her gratitude for the support she received through this program.

Another success story comes from Faisalabad where a family of six was struggling to survive after losing their breadwinner due to COVID-19. They were unable to afford basic necessities such as food and shelter until they received aid from Ehsaas Rashan Program. The family expressed their relief at receiving help when they needed it most.

The success stories of Ehsaas Rashan Program are not limited to urban areas but extend even into remote villages like Kandhkot in Sindh province where many families rely on daily wages for survival. The program has reached out to these families providing them with much-needed assistance during these challenging times.

Overview of Ehsaas Programs for Poverty Alleviation

  • Ehsaas program is a poverty alleviation initiative launched by the Government of Pakistan in 2019. The program aims to reduce poverty, create job opportunities, and improve access to education and healthcare for the underprivileged. Ehsaas program comprises more than 130 policies and programs, including Ehsaas Rashan, Ehsaas Kafalat, Ehsaas Langar, and Ehsaas Amdan.
  • Ehsaas Rashan is a flagship program of the Ehsaas program that provides food assistance to vulnerable families affected by COVID-19. The program has been successful in providing relief to millions of people across Pakistan who were struggling to make ends meet due to the pandemic. Under this program, eligible families receive monthly cash transfers of PKR 2,000 along with ration bags containing essential food items such as flour, rice, oil, lentils, sugar, tea leaves and powdered milk.
  • Ehsaas Kafalat is another important component of the Ehsaas program which aims to provide financial assistance to low-income households through unconditional cash transfers. Under this scheme, eligible households receive PKR 2,000 per month along with health insurance coverage worth PKR 7200 per annum. This initiative has helped millions of people across Pakistan who were living below the poverty line.
  • The Ehsaas Langar scheme provides free meals twice a day at designated places across Pakistan for those who cannot afford them. This initiative has been particularly helpful for daily wage workers who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19 restrictions.
  • The Ehsaas Amdan scheme aims at creating job opportunities for low-income households by providing them with vocational training and interest-free loans. This scheme has helped many people start their own businesses and become self-sufficient.
  • In addition to these initiatives, the Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program was launched in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to provide financial assistance to those who had lost their jobs or were struggling to make ends meet. Under this program, eligible households received a one-time cash transfer of PKR 12,000.
  • The Ehsaas program has been successful in reducing poverty and improving the lives of millions of people across Pakistan. However, there is still a long way to go in achieving the goal of eradicating poverty from the country. The government needs to continue investing in initiatives like Ehsaas program and work towards creating more job opportunities for low-income households.

Commission and Benefits for Shopkeepers in Ehsaas Rashan Program

Commission for Shopkeepers

Shopkeepers who participate in the Ehsaas Rashan program receive a commission of Rs. 100 per bag of rations distributed. This commission not only provides them with a steady source of income but also incentivizes them to distribute the rations efficiently and transparently. The payment is made directly to the shopkeeper’s bank account within 10 days of the distribution.

Benefits for Shopkeepers

In addition to the commission, shopkeepers are also given priority in receiving their own rations from the program. This ensures that they can meet their own household needs without any hassle or delay. This benefit has been particularly helpful during the COVID-19 pandemic when many small shopkeepers have been struggling to make ends meet.

Transparency and Accountability

To ensure transparency and accountability, shopkeepers are required to maintain detailed records of ration distribution. They must keep track of the number of bags received, distributed, and remaining in stock. These records are subject to regular monitoring and evaluation by program officials who visit shops randomly to check compliance with program guidelines.

Impact on Small Shopkeepers

The Ehsaas Rashan program has had a significant impact on small shopkeepers across Pakistan. Many have reported an increase in sales as a result of their participation in the program. Moreover, it has helped them stay afloat during these difficult times when economic activity has slowed down due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Case Study: Abdul’s General Store

Abdul owns a small general store in Lahore that he inherited from his father. Before joining the Ehsaas Rashan program, he was struggling to make ends meet due to low footfall at his store. However, after joining the program, he saw a significant increase in sales as more people started coming to his store for rations.

Abdul says that being part of this program has not only helped him financially but also increased his reputation in the community. People trust him more now because they know that he is part of a government program that ensures transparency and accountability.

Signboard Display and Identification Requirements for Buyers in Ehsaas Rashan Program

  1. Buyers who are registered in the Ehsaas Rashan program are required to display a signboard with their name and registration number. This signboard must be placed in a visible location at the buyer’s residence or shop. The registration process for the Ehsaas Rashan program involves providing personal information and verification of eligibility. During the registration process, buyers must also provide identification documents such as a national identity card or passport.
  2. Transparency and accountability are essential elements of any government-run program, especially the Ehsaas Rashan program is designed to provide food rations to those who need them most. To ensure that this program runs smoothly, it is crucial to have measures in place that prevent fraud and corruption.
  3. The signboard display requirement is one such measure. By displaying their name and registration number, buyers can be easily identified by officials who are tasked with distributing food rations. This helps prevent fraud because it ensures that only eligible individuals receive food rations through the Ehsaas Rashan program.
  4. In addition to displaying a signboard, buyers must also provide identification documents during the registration process. These documents help verify their identity and eligibility for the program. By requiring identification documents, officials can ensure that only those who meet the criteria set forth by the government receive food rations through this program.
  5. It’s worth noting that these requirements may seem like an inconvenience for some buyers. However, they are necessary steps to ensure fairness and transparency in the distribution of food rations through this program. Without these measures in place, there would be no way to prevent fraud or corruption from occurring.

Ehsaas Rashan Riayat Program: Providing Targeted Subsidy to Deserving People

Eligibility Criteria for Ehsaas Rashan Riayat Program

To be eligible for the Ehsaas Rashan Riayat Program, households must meet certain criteria related to income and education levels. The program is designed to provide targeted subsidies to deserving families in Pakistan who are facing financial difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Social Protection and Poverty Alleviation, Dr. Sania Nishtar, has stated that the eligibility criteria have been carefully crafted to ensure that only those who truly need assistance receive it.

One of the key eligibility requirements is that households must not be receiving benefits from other Ehsaas programs such as Ehsaas Kafalat. This ensures that resources are allocated fairly and efficiently across different programs. Households with an income of less than Rs 20,000 per month or those with no breadwinner are also eligible for the program.

The Importance of Providing Social Protection and Assistance

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on economies around the world, including Pakistan’s economy. Many people have lost their jobs or seen their incomes reduced significantly due to lockdowns and other restrictions imposed by governments. In this context, providing social protection and assistance is crucial for ensuring that vulnerable populations do not fall further into poverty.

Through the Ehsaas Rashan Riayat Program, millions of deserving families across Pakistan have received ration packs containing essential food items such as wheat flour, cooking oil, lentils, sugar, tea leaves and powdered milk. These packs provide much-needed support during these challenging times when many people are struggling to make ends meet.

Success Stories of Ehsaas Rashan Program

1. Empowering A Widow And Her Family

In a small village, a widow named Ayesha struggled to provide for her three children after the sudden death of her husband. With limited resources and no stable source of income, Ayesha and her family faced severe food insecurity. Through Ehsaas Rashan, Ayesha received monthly food rations, which allowed her to allocate the family’s meager resources to her children’s education and healthcare needs. Today, her eldest child is pursuing higher education, and the family has a brighter future.

2. Supporting A Family Affected By Disability

Aslam, a father of five, became paralyzed after a severe accident, rendering him unable to work. His family faced immense financial strain and struggled to meet their basic needs. Ehsaas Rashan provided the family with essential food items, alleviating their food insecurity and allowing them to focus on Aslam’s rehabilitation and medical care. As a result, Aslam has regained some mobility and has started a small home-based business to support his family.

3. Empowering A Young Orphan

Zainab, a 14-year-old orphan, lived with her elderly grandmother in a remote village. With no reliable source of income, they faced extreme poverty and food insecurity. Ehsaas Rashan enrolled the family in their program, providing them with regular food assistance. The support enabled Zainab to attend school regularly and excel in her studies. Today, she is on her way to becoming a teacher, determined to uplift her community through education.

4. Restoring Hope For A Drought-Affected Family

In an arid region, Ali and his family faced crop failure due to prolonged drought. The loss of their primary source of income left them in severe financial distress. Ehsaas Rashan intervened, providing the family with monthly food rations, which helped them survive the crisis. As a result, Ali was able to invest his remaining resources in a small livestock business, diversifying their income and reducing their vulnerability to future droughts.

5. Strengthening A Single Mother’S Resilience

Fatima, a single mother of two, worked as a daily wage laborer to make ends meet. However, her meager income was insufficient to feed her family, and they faced chronic food insecurity. Through Ehsaas Rashan, Fatima received essential food supplies, allowing her to allocate more resources to her children’s education and healthcare. Today, her children are thriving in school, and Fatima has taken up a sewing course to enhance her skills and secure a better job.

6. Helping an elderly couple overcome poverty

An elderly couple, Abdul and Sakina, lived alone after their children moved away in search of better opportunities. With no stable source of income and limited mobility, they struggled to make ends meet. Ehsaas Rashan provided the couple with monthly food rations, ensuring their nutritional needs were met. The assistance allowed Abdul and Sakina to invest in a small vegetable garden, which not only supplements their diet but also provides a small income.

7. Aiding a family displaced by conflict

After fleeing conflict in their hometown, Rehana and her four children found refuge in a neighboring city. With no home, job, or support network, they struggled to survive. Ehsaas Rashan enrolled the family in their program, providing them with food assistance and helping them regain stability. Today, Rehana has found work as a domestic helper, and her children have been enrolled in a local school, rebuilding their lives one step at a time.

8. Supporting A Family Through A Medical Crisis

When Imran, the sole breadwinner of his family, fell seriously ill, his wife and three children faced dire financial circumstances. With all their savings spent on medical expenses, they struggled to put food on the table. Ehsaas Rashan stepped in, providing the family with food rations during their time of need. With this support, Imran was able to recover, and the family regained their financial stability, as he found a new job as a shopkeeper.

9. Fostering Self-Sufficiency For A Disabled Man

Haroon, a young man with a physical disability, was dependent on his family for support, as he was unable to find a suitable job. Ehsaas Rashan enrolled Haroon and his family in the program, providing them with essential food items. This assistance allowed Haroon’s family to invest in a computer course for him. Haroon eventually learned graphic designing and now earns a steady income through freelancing, contributing to his family’s financial well-being.

10. Encouraging Entrepreneurship Among Women

Shabnam, a mother of three, was a skilled embroiderer but lacked the resources to turn her talent into a profitable business. Her family, dependent on her husband’s meager income, faced food insecurity. Ehsaas Rashan provided Shabnam’s family with food assistance, enabling them to save some money. With these savings, Shabnam purchased raw materials and started her embroidery business. Today, her thriving enterprise has not only improved her family’s financial situation but also created job opportunities for other women in her community.

Success Stories of Ehsaas Rashan Riayat Program

The success stories of the Ehsaas Rashan Riayat Program highlight its impact on the lives of deserving families in Pakistan. One such story is that of a widow who was struggling to feed her children due to financial difficulties caused by the pandemic. She received a ration pack through the program, which helped her provide food for her family for several weeks.

Another success story is that of a daily wage worker who lost his job due to the pandemic. He was unable to provide for his family and was worried about how he would survive. However, he received a ration pack through the Ehsaas Rashan Riayat Program, which provided him with much-needed relief during this difficult time.

Distribution of Assets and Utilization of Funds under Ehsaas Programs

Transparent Mechanism for Distribution of Ehsaas Rashan Assets

The distribution of Ehsaas Rashan assets is done through a transparent mechanism to ensure that deserving families receive aid. The government has made sure that the process is free from any corruption or malpractices. This transparency is achieved by using technology and digitization in the distribution process.

The beneficiaries are identified through a poverty scorecard, which is an objective and transparent tool to assess poverty levels. Once identified, they are registered with the Ehsaas program and given a unique identification number. This helps in tracking their progress and ensuring that they receive their entitlements.

To further ensure transparency, biometric verification is used at every stage of the distribution process. Beneficiaries have to verify their identity through biometric devices before receiving aid. This ensures that only genuine beneficiaries receive assistance.

Utilization of Funds under Ehsaas Programs

80 percent of the funds allocated for Ehsaas programs are utilized for direct cash transfers and food assistance to the poor. The remaining 20 percent is used for other initiatives such as health, education, and livelihood support.

The utilization of funds under Ehsaas programs is regularly monitored to ensure that they are being used effectively and efficiently. The government has set up an independent monitoring unit to oversee the implementation of these programs.

Ehsaas Rashan Stores

Ehsaas Rashan stores have been established in various parts of Pakistan to facilitate the distribution of food items to the needy. These stores provide subsidized food items such as flour, rice, sugar, oil, lentils, and tea leaves.

These stores operate on a cashless basis where beneficiaries can use their unique identification number or biometric verification to purchase food items. This eliminates any chance of fraud or corruption in the distribution process.

Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program and Additional Details on Ehsaas Rashan Riayat Program

Ehsaas Emergency Cash Programme: Providing Financial Assistance to Vulnerable Families

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to people’s lives, particularly those who are already vulnerable. In response to this crisis, the Pakistani government launched the Ehsaas Emergency Cash Programme to provide financial assistance to families in need. The program aimed to help them cope with the economic impact of the pandemic and ensure that they have access to basic necessities such as food and healthcare.

Under the Ehsaas Emergency Cash Programme, eligible families received a one-time cash grant of Rs. 12,000. To ensure transparency and efficiency in the distribution process, payments were made directly to beneficiaries’ bank accounts or through designated payment centers. The programme was implemented across Pakistan, covering all provinces and regions.

The Ehsaas Emergency Cash Programme has been successful in providing much-needed relief to vulnerable families affected by the pandemic. According to official data released by the government, over 16 million households have benefited from the programme so far. This is a significant achievement considering that Pakistan has a population of over 220 million people.

Ehsaas Rashan Riayat Programme: Ensuring Food Security for Vulnerable Families

In addition to the Ehsaas Emergency Cash Programme, the government also launched the Ehsaas Rashan Riayat Programme. This initiative aimed at providing food assistance to vulnerable families affected by COVID-19. Under this programme, eligible families received a monthly food package worth Rs. 2,000.

The food package included essential items such as flour, sugar, oil, and pulses – items that are necessary for daily consumption but often become unaffordable for low-income households during times of crisis like pandemics or natural disasters.

The Ehsaas Rashan Riayat Programme was implemented through an efficient mechanism that ensured transparency and accountability in distribution processes. Beneficiaries were identified using various criteria such as income level, family size, and location. The programme covered all provinces and regions of Pakistan.

The Ehsaas Rashan Riayat Programme has been successful in ensuring food security for vulnerable families affected by the pandemic. According to official data released by the government, over 12 million households have benefited from the programme so far.

One Window Centers and Budget Authorization for Ehsaas Services

One Window Centers: Streamlining Access to Ehsaas Services

Accessing social services can be a daunting task, especially for those who are in dire need of assistance. The Ehsaas program aims to address this issue by establishing One Window Centers (OWCs) that provide a streamlined process for accessing Ehsaas services. These centers serve as a one-stop-shop where individuals can apply for multiple services at once, eliminating the need to visit different offices and fill out multiple forms.

The OWCs have been established across the country, with each center staffed by trained personnel who guide applicants through the application process. The centers also provide information on the various Ehsaas programs available and assist individuals in determining which ones they qualify for. This not only saves time but also reduces the burden on applicants who may not be familiar with the application process.

Budget Authorization: Increasing Assistance for Those in Need

The Ehsaas program has increased its budget authorization for social services, allowing more people to receive assistance during these difficult times. This increase in funding has enabled the program to expand its reach and provide support to those who were previously unable to access it.

For instance, under the Kafaalat program, monthly cash stipends are provided to eligible women from low-income households. With an increased budget authorization, more women can now benefit from this program and receive much-needed financial support.

Ehsaas Web Portal: Providing Easy Access to Information and Services

In addition to establishing OWCs, the Ehsaas program has created a web portal that provides easy access to information and services related to social welfare programs. The portal offers a user-friendly interface that allows individuals to browse through various programs available under the Ehsaas umbrella.

Moreover, users can apply for these programs online through the portal itself, eliminating the need for physical visits or paperwork. This is particularly beneficial during lockdowns when physical visits may not be possible.

Measures During Lockdown: Ensuring Connection and Support

The Ehsaas program has implemented measures to ensure that those in need are able to connect with the program, even during the lockdown. For instance, the program has partnered with media outlets to raise awareness about its services and provide information on how to access them.

Furthermore, the Ehsaas Emergency Cash program was launched in April 2020 to provide financial assistance to those who had lost their livelihoods due to the pandemic. The program provided cash transfers directly into the bank accounts of eligible individuals, ensuring that they received timely support during these challenging times.

Appeal to Sindh and Balochistan Governments for Participation in Ehsaas Programs

Dr Sania Nishtar, the Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Social Protection and Poverty Alleviation, has urged the governments of Sindh and Balochistan to participate in Ehsaas programs. The program is a federal government initiative aimed at providing financial assistance and support to families in need across Pakistan. While Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have already taken part in the program, Sindh and Balochistan’s participation is crucial for ensuring that families in these provinces also receive support during these difficult times.

The Importance of Ehsaas Programs

Ehsaas programs are essential for supporting vulnerable families affected by COVID-19 and economic crises. The program aims to provide financial assistance, food rations, education scholarships, health insurance, interest-free loans, and other forms of support to eligible families. The success stories of ehsaas rashan are evidence that this program has reached millions of deserving families across the country.

However, there are still many families who have not received any support from the government due to various reasons such as lack of awareness or accessibility issues. Therefore, it is crucial that all provincial governments participate in Ehsaas programs so that no deserving family is left behind.

Punjab Government’s Participation

The Punjab government led by Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi has already participated in the Ehsaas program by distributing ration among affected families. This step has helped many vulnerable households cope with the pandemic’s impact on their livelihoods.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government’s Participation

Similarly, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has also participated in the Ehsaas program by distributing cash among deserving families. This initiative has provided much-needed relief to many struggling households.

Sindh and Balochistan Governments’ Participation

The participation of Sindh and Balochistan governments in the Ehsaas program is crucial for ensuring that families in these provinces also receive support during these difficult times. The provincial governments can help identify eligible families, raise awareness about the program, and distribute financial assistance and food rations among deserving households.

Dr Sania Nishtar’s Appeal

Dr Sania Nishtar's Appeal
Dr Sania Nishtar’s Appeal

Dr Sania Nishtar has visited Sindh and Balochistan to urge their governments to participate in the Ehsaas program. She has emphasized that the federal government is committed to supporting vulnerable families across the country, but it cannot do so alone. Therefore, it is essential that all provincial governments join hands with the federal government to ensure that no deserving family is left behind.

Success Stories of Ehsaas Rashan and its Impact on Poverty Alleviation

The Ehsaas Rashan program has been a game-changer in the fight against poverty in Pakistan. The targeted subsidy program has provided much-needed relief to deserving people, helping them meet their basic needs and improve their quality of life. Through this program, the government is not only providing financial assistance but also ensuring that the aid reaches those who need it the most.

One of the success stories of Ehsaas Rashan is that it has helped small shopkeepers earn a commission by becoming part of the supply chain. This has not only given them an opportunity to earn a livelihood but also contributed to the local economy. The identification requirements for buyers have ensured that only deserving people receive the subsidy, which has helped prevent fraud and misuse of funds.

Another success story is that Ehsaas Rashan has successfully distributed assets and utilized funds under its various programs. The One Window Centers have made it easier for people to access services, while budget authorization has ensured transparency and accountability in spending.

The impact of Ehsaas Rashan on poverty alleviation cannot be overstated. By providing targeted subsidies to those who need it the most, the government is helping families meet their basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare. This not only improves their standard of living but also enables them to focus on education and other opportunities that can help break the cycle of poverty.

In addition to Ehsaas Rashan, other programs such as Ehsaas Emergency Cash have also played a crucial role in providing relief during times of crisis such as natural disasters or pandemics. These programs have demonstrated that with proper planning and execution, targeted subsidies can make a significant difference in improving people’s lives.

It is important to note that while these programs are making a positive impact on poverty alleviation, there is still much work left to be done. The government must continue to identify and address the root causes of poverty, such as lack of education and job opportunities, to ensure that families can become self-sufficient in the long run.

Want To Learn More About Ehsaas Ration Program, Explore These Links:

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